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Terms and





Contributors in TEVIN is governed by these terms and conditions, which serve as an agreement between both parties. 


When you become a Contributor of TEVIN and accept this document, you agree to its terms and conditions. Please read it carefully and keep a copy for your records.


You can find a full list of benefits applicable to each contributor category, as well as the current subscription fees, on this page.


Furthermore, the use of the  site is also subject to the Privacy Policies and Connection Identification Files Use Instructions.

Personal statement

We ask all applicants to describe in 100 - 250 words why they are applying to be a Contributors.

  1. What do you hope to gain from joining TEVIN?

  2. Are Kurdish affairs what draws your interest?

  3. Could you please explain your current involvement with Kurdish affairs?

  4. Are there any areas of research or topics that you are particularly interested in?

If you specify a method below and enter your payment details during a join, your Contribution will be automatically renewed the day after your current subscriptions expire. Please contact your Contribution team if you wish to opt-out at any time. The options (with examples)


The Terms and Conditions for individual Contribution can be found below. 


Please read our privacy notice for information on how we handle your data.


Our Contribution team is available to assist you.

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