TEVIN seeks qualified candidates for the position of Board Members
TEVN is an independent think tank for Kurdish affairs, which seeks to provide a space for coordination and dialogue to achieve common understanding and cooperation. Together with our partners, we aim to contribute to sustainable solutions and the promotion of democracy as a comprehensive umbrella for equal and fair rights. TEVN was founded on 02.02.20.
We believe that all individuals and ethnic groups have the right to fully enjoy the rights stipulated in the International Bill of Human Rights. We also believe that diversity and pluralism based on respect for full and equal rights are the ideal solutions for all components of the Middle East. If people do not have justice, it is impossible to achieve lasting peace. We believe that constructive dialogue is the most effective mechanism for reaching in-depth solutions and understanding.
We recognize that success needs equal and positive participation by all and that this can help inspire others. Therefore, the concepts of participation and inclusion are essential elements of everything we do, and that does not stop at the borders of certain countries: TEVN seeks to spread its message globally.
Kurdish affairs are at the center of our strategy. Individuals, organizations, parties, governments who work on the front lines and seek peaceful and sustainable solutions to the challenges we face, we seek to work together to bring about change.
Our focus on Kurdish affairs does not mean excluding other component issues that can also assist in promoting and strengthening democracy. We believe that pluralism and equal rights are the proper basis for building a political, economic, and socially stable Middle East.
We seek to bring about change through three main ways:
Coordination and networking: Our members coordinate with civil society organizations, parties, the private sector, and Governments to increase mutual understanding and deepen collaboration
Innovation and Solution Sharing: Our mission is to innovate for change and make use of all available resources to seek sustainable approaches and solutions to the cause of the Kurdish people in the Middle East.
Impact on policies: We are working to influence decision-making via increased awareness of Kurdish affairs and greater visibility of their need through mobilization, advocacy, and innovative solutions.
Our mission
Is to seek sustainable solutions to the Kurdish People's Cause through a long-term vision. We focus on three main goals:
Democratic Middle East: Promote democratic governance as an umbrella for equal and just rights among all peoples, to reach political pluralism and cultural diversity in the Middle East based on a comprehensive application of human rights.
Stable and sustainable societies: political and economic stability are essential conditions for promoting democracy and enabling community peace to reach a Middle East where the rule of law prevails rather than the rule of force.
Security and peace: Sustainable development cannot be achieved without the provision of security and peace in the Middle East. This is currently impeded by the high incidence of local disputes and conflicts. Hence, enabling peace and security in the Middle East and preventing large-scale conflicts is a far-reaching goal.
Understanding technology and its impact is critical to achieving the stated goals and can play a key role in raising awareness of democratic issues and human rights as well as increasing safety and stability in the Middle East if used appropriately.
Have a Positive Impact
The crisis of Covid-19 and the subsequent closures contributed to an increase in the gap in coordination between local and international organizations and actors and the ability to reach different community sectors became more difficult. Although Coved19 contributed to the reduction of violence, it brought with it many threats to public health and the economy and increased unemployment rates, especially in countries such as Syria and Iraq, which are suffering from very complex economic and security conditions...
In the past year, we have conducted several coordination meetings and networking between international organizations, governments and bodies with the aim of researching and increasing cooperation to overcome the challenges we all face, and coordinating organizations in north-eastern Syria, Erbil and Europe to increase cooperation among them. We focused on many issues such as the Covid-19 crisis, how to mitigate the effects of the economic crisis in north-eastern Syria and on refugees in the Kurdistan region of Iraq, especially after the passage of the Law of Caesar. We also worked to promote to political stability through a positive contribution to the internal Kurdish dialogue. We have had many dialogues in this regard, and we have coordinated between international organizations and actors and between international actors and parties involved in the political process.
We also focused on human rights issues and how to contribute to their promotion as well as a reduction of repeated violations committed by local parties, particularly in Afrin, Tal Abyad and Ras Al Ain, where we contributed positively to the coordination of local organizations with each other, as well as with international mechanisms focusing on human rights issues such as the neutral and independent international mechanism. We also contributed, along with many organizations, to the commission's latest report, in addition to contributing to linking local organizations to international mechanisms relevant to the political process and the future of Syria.
Impact by Numbers
15 dialogue meetings: 147 local organizations from Europe, Iraq, and northeastern Syria participated.
3 public events: 100 people from different backgrounds participated.
5 coordination meetings: 32 people from local organizations, political actors, governments and international bodies participated.
Innovation and participation in solutions.
We include and share positively to take advantage of all available resources; our mission is to innovate to generate the biggest possible change and find sustainable approaches and solutions to the cause of the Kurdish people in the Middle East.
We have collected and analyzed information and opinions and built policy papers and reports to share participatory solutions that reflect the largest segment of the sectors we target. Our reviews and reports have contributed to highlighting a range of issues and contributed to finding solutions to some of the other
Impact by Numbers
12 Research and reports. Based on discussions with more than 1,500 organizations.
(8874) E-mail to local and international decision makers and civil society, the rate of interaction 42%
Influencing policies
To raise awareness of the issues of the Kurdish people and other minorities in Kurdistan and to increase the visibility of their needs in accordance with human rights, social and economic approaches, we work to influence decision-making through mobilization, advocacy and innovative solutions.
Perhaps the biggest challenges are those related to influencing policies, especially when local approaches and the interests of civilians are not taken into account, and since the launch of TEVN in February 2020 we have campaigned in a structured manner with our partners from local and international organizations. Our network of relationships has helped us to achieve significant access to the events of change.
Through advocacy campaigns we have provided updates on the reality of human rights in the Middle East and the reality of the situation and have provided solutions and recommendations to local and international decision makers. We have also focused our campaigns on stopping the violence and defending human rights activists and democratic activists, and in doing so we have collected signatures, and issued statements with our partners.، we have held many individual and community meetings with governments, international bodies and local parties.
Impact by Numbers
(7) Advocacy campaigns, in which we collected (619) signatures from individuals and organizations.
(8874) B.E-red to local decision makers and international and civil society, the interaction rate reached 50%
(7) Meetings with international decision makers (governments, organizations, international bodies).
The specific responsibilities of the members of the Governing Council include:
Leadership, governance and oversight:
Financial control:
Review and adopt financial policies for TEVIN.
Approval of the annual budget.
Provide transparency and oversight to ensure that funds are properly used.
Selection, support and evaluation of the CEO who reports to the Board and holds the CEO responsible.
Recruitment of potential board members.
Approval of operational and program policies.
Ensure compliance with legal requirements.
Expand and support the work of TEVIN in Europe and the Middle East, and provide guidance or advice.
Support the CEO and other Board members to ensure the implementation of Board decisions
Fund-raising and outreach:
Acting as an ambassador to the organization in your personal capacity. This could include presentations, simply helping to redirect news and e-mail messages, or proposing contacts for the CEO.
If it is necessary to participate in fund-raising activities throughout the year.
Supervise and support fund-raising so that TEVIN can solicit reliable contributions from institutions, organizations and individuals.
Show leadership by publicly representing the organization and its mission.
Evaluate your work and the work of the board.
Support to the development of the multi-year strategic plan
Duration of commitment:
Willing to serve three years.
Attending monthly board meetings via group calls
Service on average four to ten hours a month.
Attendance at annual strategic planning meeting.
Participation in special projects as needed, including fund-raising.
Dedication and commitment to the mission of the organization.
Fundraising, expertise and a desire to reach out to others to help us with our cause.
High Communication Skills.
Strategic planning and decision-making capacity in a collaborative manner and professional environment.
Prepare to promote a culture of openness, responsiveness and accountability.
Previous experience in administrative boards.
Previous experience in non-governmental organizations, business management and/or convergence with international development and the complex international context
Have a rapprochement or interest in issues related to the Syrian crisis.
If you are interested in being considered for our board, please send your resume and letter of motivation to INFO@TEVINK.ORG before December 20, 2021. Please use the subject line “Vacancy: TEVIN Board Member”.
It’s in a trendy niche with a lot of competition already. I know sharing it in a public forum will probably increase the competition even more.