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The Reality of the Media in Kurdish Areas (Rojava)

Syria | Brussels | June 17, 2021

April 22 last year marked the 121st anniversary of the founding of the first Kurdish newspaper. It was founded by Miqdad Midhat Badrakhan at1898, in the capital of Egypt (Cairo), in the Kurdish language (Northern Kurmanji dialect) using the Arabic alphabet. The newspaper was published twice a month with a total of four pages. The newspaper published 31 copies intermittently in four years until 1902.

Since that day and heretofore, the Kurdish press particularly, and the Kurdish media generally, has had a series of experiments and fluctuations as a result of the unstable political situation in Kurdistan, that was marred by several flaws, and despite that, it had 2 great opportunities to achieve the required goals. the primary was when the Kurds obtained autonomy within their region northern Iraq in the year 1991 and also the second was in Rojava when the establishment of the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria, and if we take the experience in Northeast Syria as a case study of the fact of the Kurdish media, we discover nowadays that the media establishments number has increased exponentially to 54 establishments additionally to dozens of male and female journalists, However, there are still several challenges and obstacles that stand in the way of the development of the media. Teven and also the Syrian Kurdish Journalists Network hosted a dialogue session on the fact of the media in Rojava on the occasion of the Kurdish Press Day on Apr 22, 2021, in which a group of male and female journalists and media establishments participated, and through this dialogue session, A deep analysis was given concerning the media, where opinions differed on many points.

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